Not talking about overripe bananas here. Or apples that have gone soft. Or berries that have turned a bit “green.”
The fruit I’m talking about today is the result of perhaps years of waiting on God to bring to fruition (intentional pun) the projects or good works or prayers that have put us in the infamous “waiting room of God.”
We’ve all been there, haven’t we? Praying for a friend’s salvation, praying for cancer healing, praying for a mate, praying for a job, praying for relief, praying for a purpose, praying for a sign. The list is endless. I bet you could almost immediately think of several hopes or dreams that have put you in your own waiting room.
Sometimes we consciously and consistently plead with God over those desires of our hearts. Other times, perhaps you’ve mostly forgotten about an earlier hope, much like I had.
Today, in complete transparency, is partially about a new resource available to you through this ministry. And if you choose to take advantage of an early offer, that’s great.
But the real message today is that we should not ever count God out, no matter how long the wait.
If you’ve been following this journey for a while, you may recall that I published the print and eBook versions of “The Honest Griever” four years ago, in August 2020. Yep, it was a COVID project!
Shortly after, I started recording the chapters from that book, with the goal of making the audiobook also available.
You may also recall that God purposefully and clearly used technology to “take me down” and bring me to a place of rest. Read about that powerful moment from God here. That short break would become a 7-month sabbatical.
One of the “victims” of that break was “The Honest Griever” audiobook. But even when God called me back to the ministry, I didn’t return to that project. I’m not even sure why, other than God had other plans.
But more recently, I’ve had several friends ask why all my books weren’t available on audio, because that has become one of the most popular formats for busy people. Those inquiries eventually took me back to my recording studio, my master closet, and a new goal of finishing up that audio project.
So, without further ado, I’m announcing today that the audiobook for “The Honest Griever” is now available through Audible, Amazon, and iTunes.
It’s been a labor of love, but also a painful reminder of the heartache of that season of my life – much like the original writing of the book. If you or someone you know could benefit from all that I learned through the process of losing Dale, and audio is their preferred platform, then please consider this newly-released resource.
And, here’s the best part! I have some free promo codes that I’m happy to share with those who feel they could benefit from this reading.
Simply, reply to this post (via email or Facebook Messenger) and I’ll send you the code and instructions on how to redeem it.
But, don’t delay! I have a limited number of codes to share!
To go directly to the Amazon page for all versions of this book, click here.
OK, sales pitch over!
I want to end by highlighting the timing of this project and the fact that God knew all along when he would give me strength to write and record this book, when he would essentially force me to put it on hold, and when he would bring me back to it.
More importantly, I believe he knows that the timing of this audiobook is exactly right for someone out there. Sometimes we just need to allow him to “age” our fruit until the time he declares it perfect. That I will trust to him!
For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:8-9
Thankful God led you to the completion of this project.