What in the world is that monstrosity, you may ask? If you’ve ever been in my house, you’ve likely seen my massive jade plant. I don’t recall when or how I got it, but I do remember the first time those little jade sprigs got tall enough to fall over the edge of the pot. It actually scared me when it happened!
I don’t particularly have a green thumb. I just water it every Saturday morning – yes, I know it’s a succulent, but it seems to thrive with a weekly watering. And it loves its spot near all the windows.
Through the past few years, it’s taken a few tumbles off the plant stand I originally had it on. Obviously, that didn’t damage it enough to stunt its growth.
I recently decided to move it from a more precarious stand to this stable one. That, in itself, was quite a feat to accomplish by myself. It wanted to tip over but I was able to maneuver it enough that it seemed to settle in.
In case you’re wondering why I just don’t turn it to get growth on all sides – there is literally no room to do that. I’d have to add a room on. So it continues to grow towards the light.
This past week, a friend stayed with me overnight, and as she was admiring this plant wonder, it decided to start tipping forward. Yikes!
We now had a crisis on our hands, and no amount of maneuvering could get it stabilized. What to do? Can’t build that room to house it in quickly enough. Tried tying it to the window locks behind it. Epic fail.
Then an idea hit me. If I could put something under the front of the pot and tip the whole thing back an inch or two, we might solve the problem. I found a little plaque that was about an inch and a half deep, and willing to be sacrificed for the cause.
While my friend tipped the pot backwards, I slipped the plaque under the front part. While the pot itself was tipped back, the plant was completely stable. Problem solved! Maybe I should have gone into engineering as I once contemplated!
This little exercise reminded me of the importance of balance in my life. It is something that I strive for myself with varying levels of success. It’s a worthwhile exercise for us all.
Here are some of the ways I attempt to achieve that all-important balance:
- Joy-Sorrow – It’s one of the pillars of this ministry. Acknowledging the reality of the pain of loss, while seeing God’s hand in it, and growing me through it. I’ve had a front-row seat to that reality. The pain is raw, but seeing the hand of God is indescribably powerful.
- Love-Discipline – Yep, this is for my fur girls. I do love my dogs as if they were my children, but I know that too much (i.e. spoiling!) is not beneficial to any of us. They still need to know right from wrong. Just like kids. I call myself a benevolent dictator. That’s how I find balance.
- Indulgence-Deprivation – This is a chocolate thing. I’m an avowed chocoholic, and not a recovering one. I could probably eat mini Hershey bars as the only element of my diet and be truly happy. So, I strive for balance between the sheer joy of that blessed candy, and the reality of what happens on the bathroom scale as a result of my decisions. At this stage of my life, and with a metabolism to match, I will not eliminate Hershey from my world. We’ve become fast friends and I’m willing to live with the consequences of spending time together. If I have to fast now and then to get things back under control, so be it!
- Checklists-Rest – I have often bemoaned the fact that I can feel beholden to my daily “to do” lists. It’s definitely in my DNA (thanks Mom and Dad) and I’ve been a list maker since junior high days. Honestly, some days I’m very driven by what I “need” to get accomplished so finding balance means taking a break. Other days, I just want to sit on the couch with the dogs and read a book all day. But often there truly are tasks that should be accomplished. Finding that daily balance is what I’m working on.
- Obedience-Sin – Let’s just end with a near-impossible one! And let’s face it – we’re not looking for balance here (although it might appear so). Our desire should be full-on obedience. Even if we have God’s Holy Spirit guiding us, instructing us, and convicting us, we still struggle with sin. We will not achieve a life of perfect obedience this side of Heaven. But there is worth in striving for it, nonetheless. It is what God calls us toward. I have a long ways to go, but I see those tiny steps towards obedience, thanks to God’s sanctifying work in my life.
Where do you struggle with balance in your life? Where are you living precariously? We all have issues. They can be as varied as the lives we live. Ask God to, first of all, convict you of those areas that need some balancing out. Then ask him to give you the strength to persevere. Don’t forget, one of the fruits of the Spirit is self-control.
For God gave us a spirit not of fear
but of power and love and self-control.
2 Timothy 1:7
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