This past week presented some deep, complicated challenges for me. I found myself in a situation where I struggled to know what the best decisions were, and felt completely inadequate as to how I should proceed.
I’ve often said that, as uncomfortable as it may be, God often puts us exactly in that place so that we will turn to him for guidance, and not rely on our own faulty wisdom.
That’s clearly where I was the past few days, and surprisingly, I didn’t have any illusions that I could make wise decisions on my own. I knew the times called for drastic measures, meaning I had to step completely out of this and wait on God to direct my actions.
Throughout the six years of this grief ministry, I have often gone to God when I had no idea how to proceed. My usual plan is to sit quietly before God, make my plea to him, and then wait patiently for some insights.
In more ways than I can number, that’s exactly how I hear God’s voice. No, not an actual voice, but God so faithfully has dropped ideas in my mind that were exactly what I needed in the moment. Whenever that happens, regardless of how often it happens, I’m always in awe of the process. The God of the universe actually communicates his will, his insights, his wisdom to little ol’ me! It’s amazing and incredibly humbling….
So that’s the same process I used for this complicated situation I found myself in. In my quiet place, eyes closed, mind quieted (as much as possible), I laid out my plea to God. Then I waited quietly, listening for his answer.
Nothing. Maybe I need to wait longer. Still nothing. I’ll read through the Psalms to quiet my anxious heart. Still nothing.
After several hours of this, I finally decided to take my favorite leaf blower and clean out the remaining leaves in my yard, and then mulch them up with my mower.
After finishing the leaf blowing, I came back to my open garage and found a package from FedEx. Hmmm … I haven’t ordered anything lately. Then I checked the return label and recognized the address from a woman in my church who has a card ministry. She faithfully sends out cards for birthdays, anniversaries and other important days in the lives of our congregation. Believe me, that is no small task! It’s an incredible gift to her church.
So I was quite intrigued that this was a box of something! I took it inside and started digging through all the packing paper, feeling much like a kid at Christmas. There were thoughtful, precious gifts intended to lift anyone’s spirits. Even a special “dog-themed” item that made me smile.
One of the gifts was a glass jar filled with small, brightly-colored envelopes with scripture verses inside. I opened one up and the scripture said, “God is with you in all that you do.” Genesis 21:22
That was the reminder I needed to take the next step in this situation. I had been not just waiting on God, but on information from others to help me make the decision.
This essentially told me, “Go do it. God is with you!”
So, first of all, how incredible is the timing of that?! I was able to share with the gift-giver how badly I needed to see that reminder from God.
The other reminder is that God is not limited in how he speaks to his people. Yes, many times he has given me his insights through quiet moments of listening for his voice.
But, guess what? Sometimes he chooses to speak through his people! And isn’t it wonderful that he includes us in this process?
I didn’t just get an answer from God. I was blessed by the precious gifts from this kindhearted sister in Christ. And, she was also blessed to know that her “random” act of kindness was planned by God on a day that HE knew I would need it most.
Without meaning to, I was limiting the way I wanted God to answer my plea. Not just the answer itself, but the vessel God chose to use in getting me that answer.
What do we learn from this? God is clearly not limited in the ways he speaks to us, or in the people or circumstances he ordains to be his messenger. My friend and I are both so grateful that his goodness is limitless.
I close with one of my favorite Scripture texts – one that always encourages me.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10