This was one of those weeks where I didn’t have a clear picture or leading as to what my topic should be. I had several rolling around in my head but none that clearly came to the top of the list. Yes, it was Sunday and I load my posts on Monday. Not to worry. God ALWAYS delivers. I just needed to wait patiently, but expectantly for his decision.
I considered one possible topic after reading a devotional and my mind started “day dreaming” about what it would be like to talk to Moses, the man generally accepted as the author of the first five books of the Bible. What must it have been like to hear these words from God, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth,” and wonder if you would be writing them for eternity?
Most of us have read those words many times – especially those of us who often start (but not always finish) reading the Bible from cover to cover!
That gave me one idea for this post. If I could choose someone to meet with, one of my A-listers would be Moses!
So, as you can see from the title, that idea won out. How did it win out? Well, not coincidentally, we started a new series at my church this past Sunday and the first topic was about how we know that scripture is true. That pretty much sealed the deal on the topic of the week!
Listen to the sermon in its entirety here (sermon begins around 38:00). I guarantee you’ll be encouraged and learn a thing or three!
Part of the “proof” of the Bible’s authenticity was in the fact that about 40 authors, as human beings but completely guided by the Holy Spirit, wrote what would become the Bible we know today. And it was over a period of about 1500 years.
And yet, the cohesiveness of the message of the Bible is mind-blowing. I won’t even attempt to do that justice here!
So, let’s talk about the title question. Who do you want to meet?
That’s often a game played perhaps as an ice-breaker at a party or a work conference. And you can likely get answers as varied as Elvis to Jesus.
I’ve had various answers throughout the years. When I contemplated that question this week, Moses was the winner. But after being reminded of the number of authors from nearly every status and walk of life who contributed to God’s Holy Word, I decided to expand my request.
I’d like to meet all 40 of the men and women who contributed to the inspired writing of the Bible and listen to the stories they would have about how they heard God guiding and directing their thoughts and their words. I can’t even begin to imagine how incredibly eye-opening and convicting that would be. Maybe all in a room together!
I know how I feel when I sense God writing through me like he has over these past six years. It’s one of the most powerful experiences I’ve ever encountered. And yet, I believe it’s a very tiny, dim, blurry reflection of what those 40 authors must have experienced. And yet (again), it’s the same Holy Spirit guiding us all.
So, what’s the point of this blog? I see a three-fold purpose.
- Give some thought to just who you would love to sit down with over a cup of coffee or lemonade. And why that person?
- Contemplate, along with me, what it would be like to hear those biblical authors’ stories.
- Ask yourself (as I must) why we don’t constantly ask God’s Holy Spirit to guide all our thoughts, words and actions.
I hope this expands not only your own list of A-listers, but causes you to marvel at the Holy Book found in nearly 90% of the homes in the United States. While I’m waiting for my opportunity to meet Moses in Heaven one day, I want to immerse myself in God’s inspired Word.
All Scripture is God-breathed
and is useful for teaching, rebuking,
correcting and training in righteousness,
so that the servant of God may be
thoroughly equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17