For 30 years I’ve said it’s possible to have a “senior moment” at any age. Likely because I had a few of them in my thirties!
Yep, we all know what that feels like, don’t we? Regardless of our age, there are times when we do something unexplainable, or find a “lost” item in the strangest of places, or just forget names and circumstances that we thought we’d always remember.
For my younger readers, spoiler alert – it doesn’t get better!
Over the past few years I’ve even reminded myself (pun intended) that, with all the silly things I do, I can be my own entertainment!
But on the serious side, it can get extremely frustrating, and even a bit frightening, when I do things, or forget things that make me question if I might be going down the same dementia road as my dear mom. Only time will tell.
One of the areas that I most want to remember are the insights that God gives me through the Bible, through the Holy Spirit, through devotionals, through sermons, and even through my own blog posts.
I wrote a post in August of last year entitled, “Why Good Habits Don’t Stick” which looked at this exact topic.
Today’s post takes a slightly different twist. First a little “behind-the-blog-post-scene” set-up. It’s not unusual for me to be reading those aforementioned sources (Bible, devotionals, sermons) when I get a new insight from God, and then a little nudge that this insight could make a good blog post topic.
I can’t tell you how many times that fresh insight from God disappears within a few minutes of finishing the reading or the listening. Shoot! There goes another great idea …
As much as I love the way God does bring those ideas to me through those sources, I’m beginning to embrace a new understanding of this process of “forgetting.”
I believe that many times this new revelation from God, through his Holy Spirit, is intended just for that moment.
There is great value in experiencing the power of God’s Spirit opening our eyes to these new insights, or new perspectives, or even reminders of what we’ve forgotten. I had to ask myself, “Why isn’t that enough?”
And the answer, of course, is, “It IS enough!”
Many times, those private moments when God opens my eyes to see something with greater clarity, are just that – private moments between God and me. I don’t need to always be looking for a blog topic. He will make it abundantly clear, as he often does, which ideas are for my own personal, private growth, and which ones are to include you all.
It’s teaching me to slow down and meditate on what I’m reading or listening to. Let this new truth or new insight sink deeper into my soul. Enjoy the moment where God gives me that clarity.
Might it be forgotten a few days or a few hours later? Perhaps. But that shouldn’t minimize the experience of knowing God has spoken directly to me in that moment.
Can you see the grandeur in that? The all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-present God of the universe reached into my little world, and granted me a glimpse of his wisdom.
Wow! That’s an incredible concept, whether I remember the insight for moments, or for years through this cyberspace channel.
I do know that if God wants me to remember a particular revelation, for myself or for others, he has the power to reach into my memory banks and pull it out!
May you have a heart that looks for those times of private counsel from God as a reminder that he loves you enough to share even an iota of his knowledge with you.
For the LORD gives wisdom;
from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
Proverbs 2:6