Word of warning to anyone who struggles with death of any kind. There is no way to tell this whole story, which does end on a hopeful and encouraging note, without some hard stuff first.
But honestly, isn’t that so often the case with life? The main reason my faith walk with God is at its deepest level now is because of the death of Dale, my soul mate. It’s one of the ways God works.
So, here’s the story – and then the biblical hope.
A month or so ago, I started noticing a male cardinal hanging around in my backyard and on my deck, virtually every day. They’re lovely so I certainly enjoyed the view.
Then one day I happened to glance in my holly bush in a nice secluded corner of my yard, near the house, and I saw a mama cardinal sitting on a nest. In all my life I’ve never had that privilege.
It was fun to keep an eye on the nest as the babies hatched and grew, while mom and dad kept a close watch over them.
I was also watching closely because once the babies (2 of them) left the nest, I couldn’t promise they’d be safe from Maisy. She would attack first and ask questions later.
A few days ago, I got a call from my neighbor asking if I was at home. I was driving at the time, and she told me there was a terrible ruckus in my backyard and on my deck. Mama and Papa cardinal were “screaming” at the danger that had just entered their world, and they were trying to protect their babies.
Apparently, a hawk had somehow figured out where these babies were and – here’s the hard part – stole them from the safety of their nest and their parents.
When I got home about 30 minutes later, it was clear there had been quite a battle on the deck. The babies were gone, and Mama and Papa cardinal had left temporarily, but returned the next day, trying to figure out where their babies were.
I was absolutely heartbroken over what had just happened. I’m grateful I didn’t actually witness the violent act.
But then, as we must, I tried to look at this from a biblical perspective. My first thought was the scripture from Matthew 10:29 that tells us, “Not one sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it.”
That gave me just a little comfort knowing that, while the outcome wasn’t what I wanted, God knew that two of his tiny creations had just lost their lives. I still shed a tear, but found some comfort in God’s sovereignty over it all.
But that wasn’t the end of the lessons. I was also amazed by the “emotions” displayed by these two cardinal parents. In the beginning, the care and vigilance they displayed over their two precious offspring. And in the end, the frantic effort to protect them and the ensuing confusion on where they’d gone.
I had to marvel at what God had divinely placed in these precious birds. The instincts that are an integral part of their worlds, passed down from “generation to generation.”
At the same time, I had to accept that the prey drive of the hawk was also part of its DNA, to ensure its survival. That one I didn’t love as much. And yet, I marveled at God’s amazing creation.
Ultimately, here’s what I knew to be true. The good, the bad, and the ugly that I witnessed these past several weeks are integral to life in this fallen world. We’re all familiar with the “food chain,” with mankind generally at the top of it.
So often one of God’s creation dies in order for another to live. The reality of that hit me smack in the face a few days ago. But I didn’t let that be the last word.
When this life is over, and God restores his earth to its original perfection, nothing – no animal, bird, or human – will need to die so another can live. Jesus died, so that death could be defeated once and for all.
This is where I chose to land after this tragic incident – sorrowful, but grateful for the day when all of creation will be restored, and death will be no more.
When the perishable puts on the imperishable,
and the mortal puts on immortality,
then shall come to pass the saying that is written:
“Death is swallowed up in victory.”
1 Corinthians 15:54