I’ve often heard that when we don’t obey God’s clear urging in our lives immediately, then it’s the same as disobeying him. I want to push back on that a bit, don’t you?
When God told Abraham to “take his son, his only son Isaac” to the land of Moriah, to sacrifice him, Abraham left early the next morning.
And in Psalm 119:60, it says, “I hasten and do not delay to keep your commandments.”
So scripture is clear in this area – God wants us to obey when he calls us to action. In all honesty, I fail in this area a lot, and I assume I’m not alone. That doesn’t mean it’s okay; it means we have work to do with God in this area of sanctification.
I had a lesson this week about another way that we can hope partial obedience is enough. It was not a major deal. In fact, it was so subtle that I almost missed it. And its simplicity and yet clarity made me smile. I appreciate when God is kind in his “obedience revelations” to me!
Here’s the story:
I had scheduled a coffee with a gal from church – someone I had not yet met, but was looking forward to spending some time with. I knew the day and the time – no question. Let’s call her Susie, my go-to alias on this blog.
But as I was getting ready that morning, I had a little inkling that I should double check the location of our meeting place.
Because I’ve learned not to ignore those Holy Spirit nudges (mostly!), I went to my most recent texts and emails to Susie but didn’t see anything telling me where we were to meet. So I made the assumption it was at my usual spot.
I felt like I was being obedient by looking for the location information, and when I didn’t find it, I assumed I had done all I could. Even thought the next nudge was to text her to confirm. That’s the step I chose to ignore.
As I was sitting at the coffee shop I assumed was our meeting place, I received a text from Susie saying, “I’m here!”
Since she wasn’t in “my” coffee shop, I knew I hadn’t taken that last nudging far enough.
She was very gracious with my oversight and my late arrival to the correct location. She even admitted she almost texted me to confirm location, too. But she did get it right and I did not. And God intended the lesson for me!
Being late, in the scope of things, wasn’t a huge deal for either of us, but God still chose that small act of disobedience (ignoring that second Spirit nudge) to remind me of the importance of full obedience to him.
There was nothing punitive in this story, which also reminds me of God’s patience with me and love for me. But he does want us to get this right!
Lesson #1 – God longs for us to be obedient – fully and immediately.
Lesson #2 – God is definitely in the details and the minutiae of our lives.
Lesson #3 – If we would just follow through on how his Spirit wants to guide us, it could actually help us as we go about our daily routines. (The older I get, the more I need this!)
These are not new lessons to me. But I must say I smile at God’s creativity for the circumstances he chooses to teach me, once again.
Susie and I both could smile about how our first meeting went, and I’ll probably always associate it with this important lesson on obedience from my patient Father.
Teach me to do your will,
for you are my God!
Let your good Spirit lead me
on level ground!
Psalm 143:10