Do you want to disappear down a different aisle in the grocery store when you see a grieving friend walk through the front door?
That’s exactly what the author did. Then her husband of 31 years died and she got a crash course – the hard way – on what was helpful to her during this devastating time, and what was unintentionally hurtful.
Feeling ill-equipped to be a natural nurturer is a nearly universal phenomenon. Cultivating Compassion will give you a roadmap to teach you what to do or say that will help your hurting friend. She “uncomplicates” the conversations, and gives you the exact words to say or avoid. And more importantly, she shares the “whys” behind those suggestions.
So, whether you friend has lost a spouse, a child, a job, their health, or their status quo, Cultivating Compassion is the resource you need. It’s a short “lunch-hour” read designed to quickly equip you with tools you need for your compassion arsenal. It will give you the confidence you need to step into your friend’s hurting world and be the blessing they desperately need during their season of loss.
Find the Best Selling eBook and print version right here!