One of the most amazing phenomenons I’ve experienced in the past year or so can only be defined as God writing through me. I know how that must sound. Maybe a bit cheesy. Maybe a little too uber-spiritual. But it’s a real and constant reminder to me of how little I contribute to this process.
This applies to the 36 blog posts I’ve written on this site beginning in February 2018, the 28 posts from the ministry site beginning last December, the 3-4 different speaking presentations I’ve written…AND a booklet I’m getting ready to self-publish. (Stay tuned for more on that!) I’ve even experienced this in my Christmas letters over the past couple of seasons, especially the one God wrote through me about a month after Dale’s death.
EVERY TIME I sit down to write ANYTHING, I pray first and ask God to give me His words and to help me share the message that He wants in this ministry.
Oh sure, I usually come to my computer with a basic topic for a blog post and maybe what can only be described as an extremely skeletal outline. Usually it’s a possible title and few random ideas (likely ALSO from God…).
Sometimes these topics have been rolling around in my head for a few weeks, and other times, the idea hits me completely out of the blue with an urgency that suggests I sit down and write NOW.
That’s exactly what happened with THIS post. I was preparing to write something for the ministry site and, as always, prayed that prayer asking God to speak through me. And boom! THIS topic jumped out at me! It was essentially God telling me to share the joy and wonder of this writing miracle with my readers. Great idea, God!
So as soon as I scheduled the ministry post, I opened up a new Word document – prayed! – and then let God do what He has so faithfully done for so many months. He fills my mind and my soul with messages that always surprise me. He draws analogies for me. He leads me to scripture texts that perfectly illustrate His message. He even brings the best images for me to use weekly.
I don’t struggle with what to say or how to say it. I don’t have the infamous “writer’s block.” I just start to type, and the thoughts are almost always a few steps ahead of my fingers. It’s one of the most amazing things I’ve ever experienced.
So, for those of you who have so faithfully encouraged me with my writing, and extoled “my” writing skills, I do appreciate it and thank you for your kind words. But, I want to stress again that it truly is NOT me. Yes, God may have given me some sort of command of the English language, but the end result is His – and the ultimate praise and glory belong to Him.
How can I adequately describe what this is like? I can tell you that I cry through almost everything I write. So, first of all, I’m generally exhausted when I’m done! But there is such a cleansing I feel through this process. It is truly MY substitute for Christian counseling.
I am in awe whenever I finish writing. To know how little I have in my head when I sit down – and then to see God’s finished product? I can think of few experiences that so clearly confirm God’s power, His love for me, His hand on THIS ministry and His involvement in the minute details of my life. I couldn’t be more grateful or more astonished by it. And I just wanted you to know.
You have said, “Seek my face.”
My heart says to you, “Your face, Lord, do I seek.”
Psalm 27:8 ESV
Thank You!
Gary A. Higbee EMBA CSP
President/CEO Higbee & Associates, Inc
North American Management Institute
Senior Global Consultant Developer SafeStart/SafeTrack
Author/Speaker/Lecturer/Executive Coach
Office 515-270-6623
Cell 586-604-3765
Fax 515- 278-5367
You are a beautiful vessel; a handmaid of God.
Bless you always and thank you for following His lead,
Thanks, Susan!